10 Best Level 6 Spells In Baldur’s Gate 3, Ranked
In Baldur’s Gate 3, players who want to completely control their enemies should focus on these Level 6 spells.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has spells that go all the way up to Level 6, which is the highest level of magic in that school. In the world of D&D, 6th-Level Spells are some of the most powerful magical tools that spellcasters can use. They can create results that most people can only imagine in their wildest dreams.
In Baldur’s Gate 3, 6th-Level Spells are spells that have effects that can change the course of a fight in just one turn, which some might call “game-breaking.” Though, not all Level 6 Spells in the D&D version are worth casting, since some of them depend on the situation very much. A Level 6 Spell, on the other hand, can make all the difference in a losing fight for players who know how to use it right.
Harm (Necromancy)
Harm is a 6th-level spell that lowers a target’s maximum hit points for a long time. At first glance, this doesn’t seem like exciting spell. As long as an enemy doesn’t lose all of their health, they can still do as well as a fully healed enemy. That being said, players should keep in mind that this Baldur’s Gate 3 spell comes with 14d6 Necrotic Damage, which makes this attack already very damaging.
Harm is very useful not just because of how much harm it does, but also because of what it means for enemies like bosses. Cutting down on their Hit Point Maximum makes it much harder for them to get enough healing to hit high HP. This means that healing spells from them or even allies are useless. When used correctly, Harm can make it very hard for an enemy to stay on the field and leave them open.
Otto’s Irresistible Dance (Enchantment)
Otto’s Irresistible Dance is the best way to magically charm a target. It was named after a powerful wizard who lived in Oerth of the Greyhawk game setting. In Baldur’s Gate 3, this spell needs Concentration and an Action. However, a spellcaster with high enough Wisdom can use this common dump stat to get past enemy defenses.
A target that is hit by Otto’s Irresistible Dance will dance wildly for up to 10 turns. Because of how this magic works, the targets will find it hard to attack, which hurts their Attack Rolls. But Otto’s Irresistible Dance also hurts enemies by making them worse on DEX saves while helping the target’s attackers by making them better on attack rolls. When Otto’s Irresistible Dance is used on a boss, it can make them much easier to kill.
Planar Ally (Conjuration)
When an RPG like Baldur’s Gate 3 only lets players have a four-person party, they can expect their characters to always be outnumbered in battle. When players face bosses with a lot of health and mobs that are even stronger, they may end up losing the battle of attrition. The players can turn things around with the 6th-level spell Planar Ally, which calls up a strong Cambion, Deva, or Djinn to help them until their Long Rest.
Even though it costs a lot to call, the 6th-Level spell slot is usually worth it because fights that need the Planar Ally will usually end in a way that lets you take a Long Rest anyway. The Planar Ally also has a lot of different tools, so the 6th-Level spell slot could be all of the attacks and extra crowd control powers that the Ally uses in battle.
Sunbeam (Evocation)
If Baldur’s Gate 3 players want to know what the best combat skills are, they should think about Sunbeam. Sunbeam shoots a bright beam of light from the sky to the ground. It blinds any creatures in its path and hurts them for 6d8 Radiant Damage, or half that amount if they make a CON Save.
Sunbeam is more useful than other items of the same level because of its secondary benefit. Sunbeam is a Concentration spell that lets players cast it once every turn for free for 10 turns, as long as the enemy doesn’t break their concentration.
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (Evocation)
When playing a strategy role-playing game like Baldur’s Gate 3, timing is very important, especially when players need enemies to do something or meet certain conditions before the party can attack. It’s great that Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere is a great 6th-Level spell for this case, since casting it is different from using it as an attack.
In the Greyhawk D&D game setting, Otiluke’s Freezing Shere is named after a famous Wizard. It makes an ice ball that, when thrown, can explode in a cold attack that does 10d6 damage. Players can get more out of Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere than other spells because it has a CON Save and can be thrown later, giving the party more time to set up an AOE attack that will kill a lot of enemies.
Globe Of Invulnerability (Abjuration)
Because enemies can quickly kill player characters with just a few hits and Armor Class, battle in Baldur’s Gate 3 can quickly turn against those who can’t set up their defenses. Globe of Invulnerability is one of the highest-leveled Abjuration spells in Doodle Cricket. Higher-level players who want to protect their team in more dangerous battles may want to use it.
Globe of Invulnerability makes a sphere-shaped wall that blocks attacks for three turns. All living things and things inside this barrier are immune to all damage. This means that most long attacks don’t work against them. If the party is in the right place, this spell should give them time to heal or use their strongest strikes without having to worry about being attacked back.
Create Undead (Necromancy)
Some players feel relieved when they beat a tough enemy in Baldur’s Gate 3. This is because the next enemies they will have to fight are probably much weaker than the boss. But for the Necromancer, a powerful enemy’s body isn’t just a prize after a fight. In Create Undead, seeing a dead body is a big help to the team.
The Necromancer can turn small to medium-sized bodies into mummies with this sixth-level spell, which can be used as an extra partner. This mummy friend will stay with the player until they take a Long Rest, which usually happens after a tough fight where the enemy’s friend turns against them.
Wind Walk (Transmutation)
It’s not always the case that offensive spells are the best. Sometimes, the best spells are the ones that help players stay alive in the worst conditions. One such spell is Wind Walk, a 6th-Level Transmutation spell that turns the caster and close allies into clouds of mist. When players aren’t fighting, Wind Walk can help them get around guards and enemy land quickly and easily.
But Wind Walk really shines in battle, especially when players need to run away. Wind Walk stops actions, talks, and spellcasting, but opponents can’t hit players in this form, which can be useful for getting out of very dangerous fights. Wind Walk can save your life in boss fights that you didn’t expect or that go badly.
Disintegrate (Transmutation)
There is nothing worse than being turned into ash, which is exactly what Disintegrate does to a target. This 6th-Level spell sends out a thin green ray that does 10d6+40 Force Damage. It is thought to be the most powerful Transmutation magic. Attackers can still avoid the magic if they make a Dexterity Save. If they fail, they are open to a lot of damage.
The bad thing about Disintegrate is the effect it has on other things. It does Force Damage to enemies, and those who die will not just be dead bodies; they will be turned into ash. This expensive power can only be used by Sorcerers and Wizards, but it can be very useful against tough bosses.
Heroes’ Feast (Conjuration)
It doesn’t matter how high your AC is if your Baldur’s Gate 3 character has low Hit Points. A well-placed attack can kill them in one hit. Temporary Hit Points act as a “buffer” before real Hit Points start to drop. Players can increase their maximum Hit Points by leveling up or getting a higher Constitution, which helps them in long battles.Heroes’ Feast gives everyone the same chance for a short time.
When cast, this spell lets up to 12 people join in on a big feast. This feast not only protects against poison and heals illnesses, but it also gives you an extra 2d10 hit points for 24 hours. Since the spell raises Max HP, players can still use Temporary HP powers to make it easier to stay alive.